Searching for Agrarian and forest land, Agrarian and forest land, Nové

  • Searching for Agrarian and forest land, Agrarian and forest land, Nové
  • Searching for Agrarian and forest land, Agrarian and forest land, Nové
  • Searching for Agrarian and forest land, Agrarian and forest land, Nové
  • Searching for Agrarian and forest land, Agrarian and forest land, Nové

Agrarian and forest land, Buy, , Nové Zámky

Listing summary

20000 m²

Property location

Nové Zámky, Slovakia

For more information please contact

Ing. Michal Ružek

Ing. Michal Ružek

Real Estate Agent

hovorím po slovenskyI speak english

+421 903 721 144 8 listings assigned - View all listings
  • Internal id 775/D
  • Country Slovakia
  • Region Nitriansky
  • District Nové Zámky
  • City Nové Zámky
  • Type Agrarian and forest land
  • Property type Buy
  • Contact +421 903 721 144
  • Added 30. September 2023 12:44 PM
  • ID 775/D

For more information please contact

Ing. Michal Ružek

Ing. Michal Ružek

Real Estate Agent

hovorím po slovenskyI speak english

+421 903 721 144 8 listings assigned - View all listings