Office buildings
When preparing investments in office and multi-purpose objects, our company firmly believes that the most important success-factor of the construction is the choice of the right location. When purchasing ground for the future objects, we consider the market demands and subsequently we enter the input data for the architectural tender. With the selection of the investment project, we consider especially the requirements of the future user and the creation of an interesting piece of architecture. We are deeply convinced that a top-quality project and investment preparation stage can facilitate the construction of aesthetically valuable structures of high economic return.
Commercial and industrial objects
With the preparation of the commercial-industrial OIP park in Vajnory (1998) we reacted on our market analysis, based on which we assumed a high demand for commercial construction ground. We have looked for an area of more than 100 000 qm in Vajnory, which - following its completion - would meet following requirements: Location on the periphery of Bratislava, excellent road connection to the bypass road of Bratislava and to the motorway, access for trucks routed outside the residential zone, sufficiently dimensioned supply networks and the close proximity of the city‘s public transportation. The satisfied Clients prove the correctness of our choice. Currently we offer also ground for industrial and logistic objects outside Bratislava.
New apartments
MITAN started with the preparation of its capital construction in 1997 already, i.e. with the apartment-house with 120 apartments in Bratislava Ružinov. From the investment point of view, the building of 350 apartments has been prepared in this location. At the beginning, it was necessary to clear and regulate the property and legal issues, followed by an urbanisation study, the selection of the designer and finally the selection of the contractor. Highly demanding was the organisation of the engineering works regarding the necessary zoning and building permits. When preparing apartment houses, we strive to find optimum solutions considering the construction economy as well as the comfort of the future residents. Here we offer consultancy services also to other investors. For this purpose, we have not just our own experienced employees but also a well-proven team of external experts and specialised companies. We support the sales of new apartments (including those built by us) through our webpage